Kate Magee

Aug 1, 2021

UK agency releases open source menopause policy to ...

Dark Horses CEO Melissa Robertson writes policy after huge response to her recent article in Campaign.

Jul 12, 2021

What do ECDs look for in creative recruits as the ...

It has been a tough job market out there for junior creatives but things are finally looking up. Campaign asks the new wave of creative chiefs for their thoughts on hiring.

Jul 1, 2021

Why aren’t more funny ads winning awards?

Cannes 2021: All purpose and no play makes adland a very dull place.

Jun 29, 2021

John Cleese 'depressed' at lack of interest in ...

Creative skills should be more highly prized in schools, he argues

Jun 17, 2021

John Hadfield, former BBH Singapore CEO to helm ...

Incumbent Nick Farnhill departs as chief executive in July to launch a new venture.

Jun 16, 2021

Has adland painted itself into a corner with its ...

Adland needs to position creative thinking as a superpower.