
Jul 14, 2023

Google did not mislead advertisers in video ad placements: New study

Recently Adalytics accused Google of rampantly misleading advertisers about the viewership of ads running on third-party websites and apps, while charging for them; checks by IAS and DoubleVerify refute these claims.

Jul 12, 2023

Anzu and IAS take on viewability and invalid traffic in gaming

Marketers are looking for greater transparency and actionable data to deliver results for their campaigns as time in gaming increases.

Jun 21, 2023

Meta launches ad measurement tools for Facebook and Instagram's Reels

Advertisers are turning to tools that offer greater transparency and granular insights into ad views to ensure ads are seen by real users.

Apr 6, 2023

Consumers in Singapore want brands to promote DEI in their ads

TOP OF THE CHARTS: Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are key industry topics ushering in a new era of responsible marketing and advertising.

Jan 18, 2023

Data scraping: what is it and why should advertisers be concerned?

Campaign UK talks to leading spokespeople on the issue.

Jan 9, 2023

40 Under 40 2022: Jessica Miles, Integral Ad Science

With her unique brand of passion and business acumen, Miles has led Integral Ad Science to become a verification vendor with the leading market share in the ANZ market.